Home sharing club in Mumbai launched
We’re excited to share the great news that our host community in Mumbai has come together to launch the first Home Sharing Club in India.
Earlier this month, more than 34 hosts joined the launch event to tell their personal story on why home sharing matters to them and learn how hosts can take action to push for better rules for home sharing in India. Importantly, the event highlighted how good hosts can be good neighbours at the same time.
Hosts enthusiastically shared their ideas for Home Sharing Club activities in Mumbai and its potential benefits to the neighborhood. When asked about their ideas for the Home Sharing Club activities in future, hosts raised the possibility of sharing local knowledge about local businesses, restaurants and events, undertaking activities to help underserved communities and supporting local businesses.
Jyoti, an Airbnb host for the last four years, shared her idea for opening her home to create a learning community for all hosts in Mumbai. Soraya, another member of the Mumbai Home Sharing Club, had this to say: “I would get to share ideas and opinions on hosting, helping to promote my community and building confidence in Airbnb.” Many attendees agreed to sign up for the club, and agreed that this would be the first among recurring meetings to interact with each other and exchange ideas to make the host community friendly to its neighbours.
The Mumbai Home Sharing Club brings together a group of dedicated home sharing hosts, who have come together to campaign for fair, simple and realistic rules for sharing their homes in Mumbai. This new independent club is an initiative to involve hosts and let their voices be heard.
Airbnb hosts provide unique travel experiences by welcoming guests into their homes. Many rely on the additional income to improve their daily lives. Home sharing also has a positive impact on tourism and local development across the country.
If you are interested in telling us your own experience with home sharing, why it matters to you, and how you share these benefits with the community, join Airbnb Citizen for future updates.
We look forward to seeing more hosts in other cities where we will launch clubs soon!