Airbnb: Tourism Recovery at Risk from Blanket Ban in Strata Buildings

Airbnb has today warned that Malaysia’s tourism recovery could be threatened by talk of proposed blanket bans on short-term rentals in strata buildings in Penang, Selangor and other states in Malaysia.
Prior to the pandemic, the Airbnb community in Malaysia made a significant contribution to the local tourism industry and economy. Research from Oxford Economics found in 2019 Airbnb guests spent a total of RM 4.4 billion (USD 1.1 billion) in Malaysia and supported more than 52,000 local jobs.
However, Airbnb’s role in helping kickstart Malaysia’s much-needed tourism recovery could be threatened by proposed blanket bans on short-term rentals in strata buildings. Earlier this year, Airbnb welcomed the Malaysia Productivity Corporation’s new guidelines for short-term accommodation, which provide an opportunity for the Malaysian government to simultaneously grow tourism and ensure compliance through responsible regulation.
“Airbnb believes all Malaysians should have the choice to responsibly and safely share their own home. We are strongly opposed to any unfair and heavy-handed blanket ban on short-term rentals in strata buildings,” said Mich Goh, Head of Public Policy, Southeast Asia, Airbnb. “The Malaysians who live in strata buildings rely on short-term rentals to earn extra income to pay the bills.”
“With economic recovery more important than ever, the key test for any policy must be – does it help grow the economy and create jobs for Malaysians? On that test, any proposal to ban short-term rentals in strata buildings fails. Blanket bans would have a devastating impact on the already weakened tourism industry. They threaten thousands of local jobs and the supplemental income that so many regular Malaysians rely on during these crucial times” she added.
By supporting clear and considered rules for short-term rentals in Malaysia that protect people’s choice to responsibly share their homes, while ensuring Joint Management Bodies and Management Corporations have appropriate oversight of short-term rentals in their buildings, Airbnb upholds its ongoing commitment to continue partnering with the Malaysian government and communities to spur tourism recovery.

在冠病疫情发生前,大马的爱彼迎社区已为本地旅游业和经济作出重大贡献。根据牛津经济研究院(Oxford Economics)的研究报告显示,2019年爱彼迎的旅客在国内消费总计44亿令吉(约11亿美元),并提供超过5万2000个本地就业岗位。
然而,爱彼迎作为驱动引擎协助推动大马旅游业急需的复苏,或遭到拟定落实于分层住宅短租禁令的打击。今年年头,爱彼迎欢迎Malaysia Productivity Corporation发布有关短期住宿的新指南,该指南为马来西亚政府提供了机会,同时发展旅游业并通过负责任的监管确保合规。
“爱彼迎相信,马来西亚公民应被给予选择权为自己的房屋负责任和安全分享。我们坚决反对任何实施于分层住宅不公平和严厉的短租禁令,”爱彼迎东南亚公共政策总监吴湘仪(Mich Goh)说道。“居住在分层住宅的马来西亚人民正依靠短期租凭住房,赚取额外收入以帮补开销。”