
How do I apply for a permit or registration number if I want to rent out my own main apartment on a daily or weekly basis?
You intend to let your own main apartment on a daily or weekly basis…
- while you continue to live in your apartment and are letting no more than 49% of the floorspace (for example the smaller room in a two-room apartment; for communal areas such as the kitchen, bathroom or balcony, a shared use is assumed (50% each)):
You do not require a letting permit (“Genehmigung”). You only need a free registration number (“Registrierungsnummer”). To obtain the registration number, proceed as follows:
- Complete the following form: „Anzeige einer genehmigungsfreien zweckfremden Nutzung von maximal 49 Prozent der Wohnfläche meiner Berliner Hauptwohnung zur Erlangung einer Registriernummer“ that you can download under the following link (only in German):
- Write a short application and sign it. For example (you should write in German):
„Ich beantrage hiermit eine Genehmigung zur Kurzzeitvermietung meiner Berliner Hauptwohnung für den Zeitraum vom … bis zum …. Ich werde meine Wohnung in Berlin während dieser Zeit nicht nutzen, weil ich, [andernorts arbeite/studiere/auf Reisen bin]. Während meiner Abwesenheitszeit möchte ich die Wohnung kurzzeitig vermieten.“
[= I hereby apply for a permit to let my main Berlin apartment on a short-term basis for the period from … to …. I will not be using my apartment in Berlin during this time because I am, [working/studying/traveling elsewhere]. During my absence I would like to rent out the apartment on a short-term basis.”
- Return the application and the completed form by post to the Bezirksamt responsible for your apartment. You can find the Bezirksamt’s addresses here.
- The Bezirksamt will send you a registration number by post.
- Enter the registration number in the appropriate field in your Airbnb listing. To do so, head to Rules and Regulations in the listing concerned, scroll down to Laws and Ordinances and click on Edit next to regulations, click on Add next to Add a Permit number).
That’s it!
- while you’re not using your apartment yourself because you’re on holiday, working or studying elsewhere, etc., for a short period (days or weeks, less than 6 months).
In this case, you need a permit to let your apartment from the Bezirksamt. You will receive a permit if your apartment remains your main apartment (Hauptwohnung) and your main actual place of residence. The permit costs 100 euros per residential unit let. The permit is usually valid for 2 years (if you are absent on a regular basis).
You can obtain the permit in the following way:
- Complete the form Antrag auf Genehmigung für die zeitweise Ferienwohnungsvermietung und Vergabe einer Registriernummer einer selbstgenutzten Berliner Hauptwohnung oder einer Nebenwohnung gemäß § 3 Abs. 3 Nr. 2 und 3 ZwVbG“ (currently only in German). You can find the form by clicking on this link. In the section: “Geben Sie Ihre voraussichtlichen Abwesenheitszeiträume an und erläutern Sie diese (nur Antragsteller Hauptwohnung)” enter the periods you will probably be absent and explain why (only the applicant of the main apartment) and give details of how long and why you will probably not be using your apartment for short periods of time.
“Internship abroad/international work assignment/holiday from…to…”
“Regular brief absences for personal and/or work-related reasons at weekends/during the week and/or during the holidays of under 2/3/4/5/6 months during the year”.
- Obtain the following documents:
- If you’re a tenant:
- Consent from the landlord for you to sublet the apartment for short periods of time
- A copy of your rental contract
- A copy of your certificate of registration (Meldebescheinigung)
- If you’re the property owner:
- A copy of the current land register entry (Grundbuchauszug)
- A copy of your certificate of registration (Meldebescheinigung)
- Send all the documents by post to the Bezirksamt in the district your apartment is located. You can find the Bezirksämter and their addresses here.
- The Bezirksamt will send you your permit and the registration number by post.
- Enter the registration number in the appropriate field on the Airbnb listing. To do so, head to Rules and Regulations in the listing concerned, scroll down to Laws and Ordinances and click on Edit next to regulations, click on Add next to Add a Permit number).
That’s it!