Airbnb named to the Parity.Org Best Companies for Women to Advance™️ List
Key Takeaways
- Airbnb has been named to the list for the second year in a row.

Key Takeaways
- Airbnb has been named to the list for the second year in a row.
Airbnb has been named to the Parity.Org Best Companies for Women to AdvanceTM List for 2022. We are proud to share this the second year in a row we’ve received this recognition. The ParityLISTTM recognizes organizations that are creating a culture and conditions in which women can rise through recruiting, promotion, and compensation practices, leadership representation, and benefits and policies that collectively help companies achieve gender parity.
“The parity problem is complex–but it’s not insurmountable,” said Cathrin Stickney, Parity.Org founder and CEO Stickney. “The extraordinary performance of this year’s honorees proves that a genuine commitment and focus, coupled with the right tools, measures, and practices, will absolutely move the needle toward fairness.”
Airbnb remains committed to gender equity and parity, and making our workplace an inclusive space where everyone can thrive. While this recognition is important, it is also a reminder that we must remain steadfast in our commitment in order to continue our progress. Below are some, but not all, of the policies, programs and benefits we’ve implemented to help make Airbnb a place where underrepresented groups, including women, can thrive and advance:
- Setting long-term representation goals: we have committed that by the end of 2025, at every level, 50 percent of our global employees who identify in the gender binary will be women.
- Each organization within the company has a Diversity and Belonging Plans in place to drive meaningful progress in areas such as growth and development of underrepresented groups, including women. Expanding our sponsorship program to help grow and retain underrepresented talent, and offering more broadly other growth and development programs such as mentorship.
- Prioritizing equal pay for equal work for all: we have conducted a pay equity analysis annually since 2015 to help examine and adjust pay gaps.
- Offering US employees 10 weeks of paid parental leave (in addition to 6-12 weeks of paid medical leave for birth parents) and 12 weeks of phased return to work for families, which provides a four-day work week for full-time employees. Globally, our parental leave programs are comparable. We also offer caregiver leave, providing up to 6 weeks of paid time off to care for a family member with a serious health condition. We recently updated our bereavement leave policy to include more time off for loss of pregnancy.
- Providing a range of parental and family benefits, including a generous fertility, adoption and surrogacy policy, a range of caregiving benefits and access to family coaching resources.
- Offering our employees the choice to work from home or the office, based on where they are most productive and what works best for their personal circumstances through our design for employees to Live and Work Anywhere.* We’re hearing from parents that the flexibility this offers as they balance the complexity of work and family life is one of our top benefits.
- Growing our inclusive hiring practices, including training to help ensure hiring managers have tangible strategies to integrate diversity into hiring. We also implemented inclusive candidate slates in 2017, which we continue to use today.
- Expanding the data employees may submit for dimensions of diversity to help us better understand and support our employees. In the US, UK and Ireland, our employees can voluntarily share if they identify as a parent or caregiver, and share their gender identity.
- Providing executive sponsorship and support for Women@, our employee resource group for women and their allies.
For more information about the list, visit:
*A small number of roles are required to be in the office or a specific location to perform their core job responsibilities.