Airbnb’s 2023 US Economic Impact Report
In 2023 Hosts and guests on Airbnb helped generate an estimated $85 billion in economic activity across the US. Home sharing through Airbnb creates an additional income stream for Hosts, fuels visitor spending in communities, supports jobs across multiple industries, and contributes substantial tax revenue for local governments.
Below you will find highlights from our 2023 US Economic Impact report. To learn more, click here.

Airbnb’s contribution to the US economy
Total Economic Contribution to GDP
Tourism creates economic opportunities for local businesses through guest and host spending. Airbnb brings these opportunities to new communities by allowing hosting beyond the boundaries of traditional tourist areas.
Total Tax Revenue
This includes the total $ value of taxes associated with hosts’ income and spending, the economic activity stemming from guests visiting local businesses, as well as occupancy taxes.
Total Jobs Supported
The money spent by Airbnb guests and hosts helps support a wide range of jobs all over the country.

Economic Contribution
$85B+ in value added to GDP generated by Airbnb activity in the United States in 2023
Spent locally by guests on other goods and services for every $100 spent on Airbnb
In 2023, guests that stayed in Airbnb spent an estimated $80B+ in other goods and services.
Spent on other goods and services per guest on an average trip
International guests stayed on average 4.3 nights per trip and spent $993 on goods and services other than accommodation, vs 3.1 nights and $658 for U.S. guests.
Spent on restaurants per guest
Florida guests spent a total of $4.9B in restaurants, while Hawaii had the highest value spent per capita ($332).
Spent on entertainment and shopping per guest
Nevada had the highest amount spent on entertainment per guest ($184).
Of guest spending stayed within the neighborhood of their Airbnb
58% of guests would likely not have visited that neighborhood had it not been for their Airbnb.
Spent locally within the neighborhood thanks to Airbnb
Airbnb creates accommodations in neighborhoods where hotels are less available, generating business for local communities.

Jobs Supported
1.16M+ jobs were supported by Airbnb activity, almost a third of which in the Accommodation & Food Services industry
Airbnb Host Earnings
43% of hosts said that money from Airbnb helped them stay in their homes, with 11% saying that it helped them avoid eviction or foreclosure.
Income generated by Airbnb host and guest spending
$8.5B in income were generated in Florida alone, while Hawaii had the highest income per capita generated ($802).

Tax Revenue
Airbnb activity generated $24B in total tax revenue in the U.S. in 2023
Occupancy taxes associated with hosting
These taxes are remitted directly by Airbnb.
Total taxes associated with economic activity generated by Airbnb stays
These include taxes at the federal, state and local level, such as Taxes on Production & Imports (TOPI), social insurance taxes, personal taxes, and corporate profit taxes.
The analysis was generated using the IMPLAN calculation process to estimate the economic impact of Airbnb in the US, both in the aggregate and for each state. For this project, the model integrates Airbnb Host earnings and guest spending, which is based on a survey of guests who booked a listing through Airbnb and stayed in the US in 2023. The model includes direct, indirect and induced economic contribution as defined below:
- Direct Economic Effects: refers to the immediate effects of an economic activity. In the context of tourism, direct economic impact refers to spending by tourists on goods and services such as accommodation, meals, transportation, attractions, and souvenirs.
- Indirect Economic Effects: refers to the secondary effects generated by the initial spending in related industries that supply goods and services to the primary industry. These industries provide inputs or support services necessary for the functioning of the primary industry.
- Induced Economic Effects: refers to the tertiary effects resulting from the increased household spending by employees in the directly and indirectly affected industries. This includes the spending of wages earned by employees in restaurants and other establishments as a result of guests’ and hosts’ economic activity.
- Total Economic Contribution to GDP: This is a measure of the contribution to GDP generated by Airbnb activity as a result of direct, indirect and induced effects.
- Total Jobs Supported: Number of full-time, part-time and seasonal jobs supported by the output generated by Airbnb activity. This metric includes direct, indirect, and induced effects.
- Total Tax Revenue: This includes the total value of taxes associated with (i) hosts’ income and spending and the economic activity stemming from guests visiting local businesses, and (ii) tourism taxes directly associated with hosting remitted by Airbnb.