Great Cities Think Alike

We’ve rounded up a sampling of destinations that have the same name but are totally different in terms of location and culture. Take our quiz to see if you can spot the difference and maybe spark inspiration to a new stay!

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Is this Airbnb stay in...

Is this Airbnb stay in...

Is this Airbnb stay in...

Is this Airbnb stay in...

Is this Airbnb stay in...

Is this Airbnb stay in...
Check out more Airbnb homes in these locations that share the same name and all they have to offer!
Stay in Melbourne
Melbourne, Florida or Melbourne, Australia
Stay in Cordoba
Cordoba, Spain or Córdoba, Argentina
Stay in Naples
Naples, Florida or Naples, Italy
Stay in Athens
Athens, Georgia or Athens, Greece
Stay in La Paz
La Paz, Mexico or La Paz, Bolivia
Stay in Sydney
Sidney, British Columbia or Sydney, Australia
Stay in Kochi
Stay in Cambridge
Cambridge, England or Cambridge, Massachusetts
Stay in Charleston
Charleston, Oregon or Charleston, South Carolina