Regulation in Ireland: Need to Know

What’s the update?
Short-term letting rules have been finalised and came into force on July 1st 2019.
These regulations only apply to hosts with a short-term let in a Rent Pressure Zone (‘RPZ’).
Please note that from July 2nd 2019, 19 new areas have been added to the list of RPZs in Ireland.
You can check if your property is located in a RPZ here.
Under the new regulations:
- ‘Short-term letting’ is defined as the letting of a house or apartment, or part of a house or apartment, for any period not exceeding 14 days.
- If you share a spare room or rooms in your own home (your ‘Principal Primary Residence’ or ‘PPR’), you can do so all year round but you must register with your local authority annually.
- If you share your entire PPR while you are away, you can do so for up to 90 days of the year, but you must notify your local authority.
- If you share your entire PPR for more than 90 days of the year, you must apply for a change of use planning permission from your local authority.
- If you own a property which is not your PPR, and you use it for short-term letting, you must apply for a change of use planning permission from your local authority.
Notification requirements:
The new regulations require that hosts listing a room or rooms in their PPR, or an entire PPR in a RPZ, must inform their local authority. The notification form (Form 15) is available to download from the relevant local authority website.
Where can I find more information?
Consult the Short-Term Letting information page from your local authority for a full list of FAQs and requirements. We will add relevant links as information becomes available from local authorities.
Up-to-date local authority websites:
- Dublin City Council
- Cork County Council
- Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown County Council
- Fingal County Council
- Galway City Council
- Limerick City and County Council
- Louth County Council
- Meath County Council
- South Dublin County Council
- Wicklow County Council
Local authority websites not yet updated:
- Cork City Council
- Galway County Council
- Kildare County Council
- Kilkenny County Council
- Laois County Council
- Waterford City Council
- Westmeath County Council
This page is up-to-date as of July 4, 2019. We will update this page periodically as more information becomes available. For detailed information on the new regulations and how the may affect you see the detailed FAQ on the Department of Housing website .