Tucked into bed beneath a giant LEGO waterfall of almost 2 million bricks, sisters Izzy and Heather said they had the perfect end to an extraordinary day with their mom and dad in the newly built LEGO House in Denmark. The lucky family of four from Johnshaven, Aberdeenshire, Scotland were selected to stay in the LEGO lovers’ paradise – a house filled with amazing creations and over 25 million LEGO bricks.
The Woollacott family won the once in a lifetime experience from over 24,000 entries by answering one simple question: If you had an unlimited supply of LEGO bricks, what would you build? The two LEGO loving sisters, Izzy, 4, and Heather, 7, charmed the judges with their joint submission that paired Heather’s passion for space travel with Izzy’s dream of opening up her own noodle restaurant.

“They’re really good girls, I want them to know that anything is possible. That it’s a big wide world out there and that they can do anything they set their minds to. If Heather wants to be an astronaut, then why not. And if Izzy wants to build a noodle shop in space then we’ll give it a try!”
Susan Woollacott, mother of LEGO contest winners
The entire Woollacott family are huge LEGO fans but it was an extra special trip for Izzy who celebrated her 5th birthday on Saturday.
“Nothing could be more awesome than waking up on your 5th birthday in the LEGO house so it’s going to be a tough act to follow next year!” says dad, Nick.

On Friday afternoon, the Woollacotts arrived in style to a red carpet reception, where they were greeted by Jamie Berard, their host for the night and a renowned LEGO master builder. Jamie presented the family with the first and only all-brick key to the LEGO House before leading them into their home for the night.
“We went all out to make sure this place was plastered in LEGO bricks. We have LEGO chairs, LEGO tables, cats, keys, tv screens, a teddy bear and even a LEGO fairy tale book. So much creativity, so much fun and everything is made of LEGO bricks. The family are really great and so much fun. I just want to hang out with them all day.”
Jamie Berard, senior designer at LEGO
After a lunch served by LEGO robots, the winners were taken on their exclusive tour of the house. While excited Izzy was bounding ahead of her family, Jamie guided Susan, Nick and Heather through a sequence of extraordinary experience zones: the Tree of Creativity, built by hand out of over 6 million bricks; the Masterpiece Gallery and, the girls favorite, the Yellow zone. In this zone the family built LEGO flowers and constructed fish that came dramatically to life in a 3D fish tank. For the end to a perfect day, Izzy and Heather got to build the fabulous winning submission – their very own noodle shop in space!

But the fun didn’t end there. The following day, after Izzy celebrated her 5th birthday with a special LEGO themed cake, the Woollacott family spent even more time exploring and playing in the LEGO House as the girls simply could not get enough.
“On Saturday we stayed at the Lego House until 6 p.m. which means we were there for 28 hours straight! Heather was crying her heart out when it was finally time to go. She desperately wanted to stay, so we’ve had to promise to take her back next year.”
Nick Woollacott, father of LEGO contest winners