Report: New Airbnb Hosts Have Earned $1 Billion During the Pandemic

A new report from Airbnb reveals that new hosts with only one listing who have welcomed their first guests since the start of the pandemic have already earned more than $1 billion.
The COVID-19 pandemic has sent travelers looking for safe, comfortable settings in which to connect with family and friends, creating economic opportunity for others to earn needed extra income by listing their homes on Airbnb. We are gratified to be able to announce that new hosts with only one listing who have welcomed their first guests after the start of the pandemic have already earned more than $1 billion.
If you’re considering hosting, now is the time. As our recent consumer polling tells us, there is pent-up demand for travel as people yearn to get out of the house and connect after months of pandemic-caused isolation, and the type of meaningful travel enabled by Airbnb is the kind of travel people will continue to seek even after the pandemic ends.
Airbnb listings are better equipped to handle group travel than hotels, and visiting with family and friends is the type of travel people have missed the most. Connecting with family and friends is also the type of travel that has grown most in importance as people look to travel after the pandemic: 41 percent of Americans say that such travel has become “much more” important to them.
Airbnb is also committed to preserving the safety of our hosts as well as our guests. In addition to our Enhanced Cleaning Protocol, we recently announced the development of Airbnb’s Health Safety Attestation, a voluntary tool that allows hosts to request that guests attest to being clear of common COVID-19 symptoms and have not knowingly been recently exposed to COVID-19, helping to empower hosts with information about health and safety that may matter for their preferences and needs.
Airbnb hosts who began hosting during the pandemic have benefited from consumers’ shifting travel preferences. In 2021, we believe this opportunity will only grow for those considering hosting on Airbnb.
Click here to read the entire report.